What is Osteoporosis ?

Osteoporosis is a condition that features loss of calcium from the bone and decrease the normal density of bone. Osteoporosis leads to literally abnormally porous bone that is more compressible like a sponge, than dense like a brick (Figure 1). This disorder of the skeleton weakens the bone leading to an increase in the risk of bone fracture. If osteoporosis-related fractures occur, the patient will experience localized pain over the fracture sites. The common sites of osteoporotic fracture include the spine (vertebrae), the forearm near the wrist and the thigh bone near the hip joint. Vertebral fracture and collapse will result in a hunched-back and a decrease in body height (Figure 2).

What are the causes of Osteoporosis?
1. Heredity: The chance of having osteoporosis is higher for those with a family history of the disease.
2. Gender: Osteoporosis is 6-8 times more common in women than in men, particularly in women after menopause due to estrogen deficiency.
3. Ethnicity: Asians and Caucasians are more prone to osteoporosis.
4. Age: The risk of osteoporosis increases with age.
5. Lifestyle: Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and lack of exercise all increase the chance of osteoporosis.
6. Other causes: Certain endocrine diseases and medications.

Prevention and Treatment:
1. Maintain a balanced diet with adequate calcium intake daily (1000-1200mg). Calcium-rich foods include :
Dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese (low-fat milk and skimmed milk are lower in saturated fat and are healthier choices).
Dark green leafy vegetables, e.g. pak choy, broccoli, etc.
Fortified soy milk, soybeans, tofu, etc.
Canned sardines (eat with bones), dried shrimps, etc.

2. Perform weight-bearing exercises, e.g. brisk walking, Tai Chi (Figure 3), aerobic dance, etc, at least 3 times a week, and for 20-30 minutes each time.

Figure 3: Weight-bearing exercise, e.g. Tai Chi

3. Quit smoking and alcohol drinking. Avoid drinks that contain caffeine.